Project Brief
This was a short motion graphic project showcasing a piece of advice for designers from a designer. The brief for this project was to explore ways to use type beyond the conventional. The concepts needed to be driven by the type and the message it conveyed.
Mind Maps & Word Analysis
Understanding the Message
As part of the process, I conducted various word analysis and hierarchy studies. The goal was to understand the message and how it changed when different information was emphasized.

Initial Ideation
Going Beyond the Cliché
After many sketches I realized a lot of my ideas were literal and cliché. I thought about how we received our feedback at the time since this was when we were all taking our classes virtually due to the pandemic; we used Miro boards for our critiques, so that was a concept. I thought about feedback being a continuous loop and a means to personal growth.

Final Concept
Ultimately, I realized receiving feedback allows new information to be revealed to a person. I see feedback as connecting dots that ultimately lead to a larger picture.