The Boom of House Plants
This is a group packaging project for succulents. I worked with two other graphic design students. The brief for this project was to design new paperboard packaging for an existing product that is currently packaged primarily in plastic. The goals were to increase sustainability and recyclability in the packaging.
Based on market research, we decided to package succulents due to the boom of house plants during the pandemic. When a consumer orders a succulent online, the succulent arrives in a lot of plastic packaging.
The main goals of the brand are to be welcoming, straightforward and knowledgeable. The name Box of Light showcases the positive feelings people have toward plants.

Structural Concept
A Paper Greenhouse
After spending days to weeks in the dark, it is important for the succulent to be slowly introduced to light. The perforated front and back panels allow the consumer to remove them which slowly introduces the plant to light. After the plant is removed from the box and planted in soil, the package becomes a display piece that mimics a greenhouse.

Target Consumer
Urban Area, New to Plants
The visual concept is intended to be approachable, informative, and friendly. The target consumer is a person new to plants and succulents who lives in an urban area. They have little to no plant knowledge. The target age range is around 20–40 years old. They want a plant to bring a little light into their life but need guidance on how to care for it.